Disease resistance - Rejuvenate HRT Clinic

Disease resistance refers to the ability of a plant to prevent, tolerate, or overcome infection by a pathogen such as a virus, bacteria, or fungus. It is an important trait in agriculture and crop breeding because it reduces or prevents crop losses from diseases without requiring pesticides or other control methods. There are two main types of disease resistance in plants:

Disease resistance traits in modern crops derive from resistance (R) genes that plants have evolved in their populations and are bred into elite crop varieties. These R genes enable the plant to recognize specific pathogens and trigger defense responses. However, pathogens can adapt to overcome specific R genes, so breeding for durable, broad-spectrum resistance is an ongoing challenge. Some key methods used to improve disease resistance in crops include: Improving disease resistance allows farmers to reduce fungicides and pesticides, lowering costs and environmental impact. It also leads to higher, more consistent yields and quality in crop production. Overcoming diseases like rusts, mildews, blights, and viral pathogens has been key to preventing major crop failures and feeding the growing global population.

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