Semaglutide - Rejuvenate HRT Clinic

Semaglutide is an exciting new medication used to treat diabetes and aid in weight loss. It works by mimicking the hormone GLP-1, which helps regulate blood sugar and appetite. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all the basics about semaglutide, including its benefits, administration protocols, lifestyle recommendations when starting therapy, and more.

An Overview of Semaglutide

Semaglutide (brand names Ozempic and Wegovy) is an injectable prescription medication used for treating type 2 diabetes and chronic weight management. It belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 receptor agonists that work by stimulating the release of insulin when blood sugar levels are high while suppressing appetite.

Some key things to know about semaglutide:

Compared to other diabetes medications, semaglutide stands out for its efficacy in lowering blood sugar while also promoting weight reduction. This makes it an appealing treatment option for overweight or obese individuals struggling to manage their diabetes.

How Semaglutide Treatment Works

To understand how semaglutide aids in weight loss and blood sugar control, it helps to understand how the hormone GLP-1 functions in the body.

Semaglutide was designed to mimic the effects of naturally occurring GLP-1. As a GLP-1 receptor agonist, semaglutide:


Over time, the appetite suppressing and blood sugar lowering effects of semaglutide promote clinically significant weight loss and diabetes management.

Sign up now for semaglutide.

Candidates for Semaglutide Treatment

Semaglutide has been shown effective for weight loss in those who are overweight or obese. Specifically, it's FDA approved for chronic weight management in adults:

In terms of diabetes treatment, semaglutide is approved as an adjunct treatment for type 2 diabetics not adequately controlled with just diet, exercise and other oral medications.

Key things doctors look for when determining if someone will benefit from semaglutide therapy include:

Those struggling with the above issues despite sincere efforts are often excellent candidates for semaglutide.

Determining Need for Treatment

Recognizing poor glycemic control and excess weight indicative of hormone deficiency is the first step in treatment. At Rejuvenate HRT Clinic, thorough testing is done to accurately identify need including:

Diagnostic Tests

Results outside the optimal ranges in the above tests along with unsuccessful previous efforts usually signify semaglutide therapy can help.

Our practitioners will make treatment recommendations after comprehensively analyzing results. Accurately assessing hormone deficiency is crucial.

Administration of Semaglutide

Once the decision has been made to begin semaglutide, our clinic provides complete care instructions and ongoing monitoring.

To start, semaglutide must be injected subcutaneously once weekly. Ozempic and Wegovy are the two common brand name options:

1. Ozempic

2. Wegovy

The basic administration protocol when first starting out is:

This gradual titration schedule allows the body to adjust and minimize side effects. Ramping up the dosage slowly is key.

Ongoing use depends on treatment goals but typically semaglutide is used anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Our clinic provides teaching on proper at home injection technique and how to follow the ramp schedule. We closely track progress and make dosage adjustments as needed.

While incredibly effective, semaglutide requires careful administration and monitoring which our practitioners specialize in.

Try semaglutide for better diabetes control and weight loss.

Lifestyle Recommendations When Starting Semaglutide

Semaglutide therapy should always be combined with diabetes and weight loss lifestyle education for optimal results. Recommendations focus on diet, activity, sleep and more:




We provide each client a written guide on practical steps like those above to complement semaglutide treatment. Our goal is sustainable success through small daily improvements with semaglutide accelerating weight loss and assisting diabetics in maintaining healthy glucose levels long-term.

Semaglutide is not a quick fix. Hard work and dedication will be required. But for people struggling with weight or diabetes management, semaglutide combined with lifestyle changes provides life-changing benefits.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

Despite being a newer medication, some questionable claims and myths exist about semaglutide. As leaders in weight loss, our providers feel its important to share facts.

Myth – "The weight comes right back on after stopping semaglutide":

Reality – Those who utilize semaglutide properly actually establish helpful new eating habits leading to long-term success. In trials, 84% maintained at least 5% weight loss 6 months after finishing semaglutide.

Myth – "Semaglutide works by burning fat":

Reality – It promotes weight reduction primarily through appetite suppression leading to lower calorie intake. The way it makes you feel fuller faster helps sustain a calorie deficit essential for fat loss over time.

Myth – "Semaglutide should only be used short-term":

Reality – It is appropriate for continuous use until optimal body weight is achieved depending on patient preferences and how they tolerate it. Studies show its effective for at least 2 years although many individuals decide to stop before this point.

Check out the table below for more myths vs facts on semaglutide:

Myth Fact
Causes uncontrollable diarrhea Side effects like GI upset are temporary while body adjusts
Need to follow a very strict diet No special diet required but reducing carbs and sweets helpful
Difficult to administer at home Easy to inject subcutaneously once taught; our clinic provides guidance
Patients develop resistance over time Works via natural receptor so resistance effects unlikely

With the right expectations and professional medical oversight, semaglutide offers profound benefits for the obese diabetic patient. Our clinic provides facts so patients can determine if it aligns with their health goals.

Semaglutide for Diabetes and Mental Health

An exciting area of semaglutide research shows its positive effects may extend beyond blood sugar and weight into mental health. For those struggling with diabetes and related emotional challenges, these findings offer hope.

It's common knowledge diabetes significantly increases risks of issues like depression and anxiety disorders. The reasons are complex but include:

Exciting new research on diabetes medication semaglutide shows it not only helps regulate blood sugar and lower weight but also eases symptoms of depression.

For example, a 2022 study in the journal Diabetes Care demonstrated "significant improvements" in measures of depression and overall mental health among people with obesity and type 2 diabetes taking semaglutide. The graph below summarizes the findings:

Patient Group Improvement Rate Significance
Placebo group 37% Minimal change
Semaglutide group 64% Very significant reduction in depression symptoms

While the exact reasons semaglutide positively impacts mood requires more research, scientists hypothesize it relates to reduced inflammation and improved self-image from weight loss.

Whatever the cause, this early research on semaglutide is welcome news for the millions struggling with diabetes and mental health issues. Along with proven weight and glucose regulation benefits, semaglutide may soon offer patients emotional relief too significantly improving quality of life. Rejuvenate HRT Clinic stays apprised of the latest semaglutide developments.

Celebrity Spotlight - Semaglutide Successes

To wrap up this overview on the medication semaglutide, we highlight some famous figures whose dramatic weight loss journeys included this incretin mimetic drug. Their inspiring stories speak to the power of semaglutide for life transformation:

Elton John – The iconic singer struggled with food addiction and obesity for years before finding success recently losing over 65 pounds. He credits his transformation in part to the new diabetes medication semaglutide which helped curb overeating urges.

Steve-O – The daredevil performer and Jackass star shared his difficult battle with weight gain over the last decade exacerbated by mental health issues and excessive drinking. After getting physically and emotionally healthier, he decided to try semaglutide combined with improved nutrition leading to astonishing 70 pound weight loss!

Whether a celebrity or not, so many struggle with obesity and diabetes while desiring positive change. As illustrated in the examples above, innovative medications like semaglutide offer new hope accelerating the path to better health especially combined with lifestyle adjustments.

Our exceptional practitioners at Rejuvenate HRT Clinic fully evaluate each patient's needs while explaining pros/cons of pharmacologic aids like semaglutide. We develop customized plans balancing medication with nutrition, fitness and wellness education for optimal outcomes. Discover your full vitality potential by scheduling a consultation today!


Semaglutide is a game-changing medication that can provide significant benefits for those struggling with weight management and type 2 diabetes. By mimicking the effects of the GLP-1 hormone, semaglutide helps regulate blood sugar levels, suppress appetite, and promote weight loss. When combined with a healthy lifestyle, semaglutide can offer a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking to improve their overall health and well-being.

At Rejuvenate HRT Clinic, we understand the challenges faced by those dealing with obesity and diabetes. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance throughout the semaglutide treatment process. We ensure proper administration, monitoring, and support to help our patients achieve optimal results.

If you or someone you know is interested in exploring semaglutide therapy, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our clinic. Our team will assess your individual needs, address any concerns, and develop a tailored treatment plan to help you reach your health goals. Together, we can embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier life.

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